Terms of trade and customer contracts - the key points to safeguard Businesses

Terms of trade and customer contracts - the key points to safeguard Businesses

20 мая 2020
с 13:00 до 14:00
Вебинар, Zoom
О мероприятии

ALRUD Law Firm and Russo-British Chamber of Commerce invite you to our joint webinar.

Today, the problem of extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances has become more relevant for any person, or company, doing business in Russia (sanctions, pandemics, natural catastrophes etc). When a business faces such circumstances, it can incur huge losses which may result in breaching obligations with counter parties, change of scale of business or, even worse, consequences such as liquidation, or bankruptcy. However, there are some legal instruments, which can help you to avoid, or at least mitigate, these risks.

During the webinar, ALRUD experts will discuss the most relevant issues of the legal mechanisms to prevent risks, which may occur in case of extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances:

Performance of contractual obligations in extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances

  • Objective inability to perform obligations: physical and legal inability to perform obligations; termination of liability due to them.
  • Material change of circumstances: termination of the contract by the court at the request of the party.
  • 'Force majeure': exemption of the liability.

Instruments to reduce the risk of contractual breaches

  • Representations about the circumstances: the risks being covered by the mechanism and remedies to be used when the representation is breached.
  • Unilateral modification and termination of contracts: specific terms, procedure and consequences.
  • Specific instruments of Russian contract law: penalties, indemnity, termination fees, bankruptcy and sanction clauses etc.

Virtual signing and basic rules of using digital signatures

Our webinar will be useful for the lawyers and other professionals, who are interested to know more about the mechanisms and legal remedies being specified in the contracts, to protect business in case of extraordinary and unforeseeable circumstances.

It will be a great pleasure for us, if you join to our webinar!

Participation is free of charge.

Please note that this event is closed to representatives of law firms, consulting and private lawyers.

Предстоящие мероприятия
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